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What is the oil refinery capacity in the USA?

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity?" will require identification of the various States where refineries are located, and the production capacity at each using the Atmospheric Crude Oil Distillation Capacity equation of Barrels per Calendar Day and Barrels per Stream Day to figure production capacity levels:

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of Alabama, the answer would be 130,200 barrels per Calendar Day, and 140,500 Barrels per Stream Day.

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of Alaska the answer would be 370,381 Barrels per Calendar Day, and 40,453 Barrels per Stream Day.

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of Arkansas, the answer would be 69,800 Barrels per Calendar Day, and 74,800 Barrels per Stream Day.

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of California, the answer would be 1,984,188 Barrels per Calendar Day, and 2,73,920 Barrels per Stream Day.

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of Colorado, the answer would be 87,000 Barrels per Calendar Day, and 94,000 Barrels per Stream Day.

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of Delaware, the answer would be 175,000 Barrels per Calendar Day, and 180,00 Barrels per Stream Day.

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of Georgia, the answer would be 5,400 Barrels per Calendar Day, and 8,000 Barrels per Stream Day.

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of Hawaii, the answer would be 147,500 Barrels per Calendar Day, and 152,000 Barrels per Stream Day.

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of Illinois, the answer would be 878,100 Barrels per Calendar Day, and 932,700 Barrels per Stream Day.

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of Indiana, the answer would be 433,000 Barrels per Calendar Day, and 444,000 Barrels per Stream Day.

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of Kansas, the answer would be 296,200 Barrels per Calendar Day, and 310,000 Barrels per Stream Day.

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of Kentucky, the answer would be 227,500 Barrels per Calendar Day, and 310,000 Barrels per Stream Day.

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of Louisiana, the answer would be 2,753,000 Barrels per Calendar Day, and 2,885,355 Barrels per Stream Day.

To answer the question, "What is an oil refinery capacity" for an oil refinery located in the State of Michigan, the answer would be 74,000 Barrels per Calendar Day, and 77,000 Barrels per Stream Day.

These oil refinery rates are a sampling of figures taken from various States within the confines of the United States of America and are meant to provide a logical view of the efforts made in the various States to produce and refine oil.