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Alternatives for oil and gas

With the concerns that have been voiced over the effects of oil to global warming, and the rising prices of gas at the pump, it has been necessary for the world as a whole to consider other alternatives for oil consumption. Environmental groups are concerned that there should be alternatives for oil consumption because one day, the supply will run out. There are other people that disagree and believe that the price of the fuel will ensure its existence and survival.

There are several alternatives for oil, and many of these alternative have been in use from the beginning of time. There are references made to alternatives for oil, in scribed recordings that offered practical and unique alternatives of that time period for oil.

Some of the alternatives for oil consumption are the use of coal and coal products, nuclear energy, wind power, hybrid automobiles, and hydro power. Some of the alternatives for oil are offered in the form of a change in application method. Through creative marketing, people have converted their cooking habits slightly to find alternatives for oil by eliminating the need for oil in their diet. They have chosen to use alternatives for oil in the form of cooking sprays in lieu of the liquid form.

The cosmetic industry has done its part in finding alternatives for oil, by offering oil-free makeup. The automotive industry has offered synthetic oil treatments as one of their alternatives to oil consumption.

The old standards of heating have faired well through the years, with coal in the forefront of alternatives for oil as a heating source. There are side effects to this fuel source, however, and people are less likely to use coal as one of the alternatives for oil like they have in the past. Coal emissions have been technologically advanced through fluidsed bed technology which allows coal to burn more efficiently. Coal produces carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide when it is burned, and those chemicals have been identified as pollutants and harmful to the ozone layer, and subsequently a contributor to the effects of global warming.

There are countries with large population levels that routinely use bicycles and other self-powered forms of transportation as alternatives for oil consumption. The primary reason for this form of mass transit is population growth and the large amount of pollution in the air caused by industrial production sites.

Nuclear power is being harnessed as one of the possible alternatives for oil consumption. With its danger levels and safety issues that involve disposal efforts, this is a work in progress on being able to offer alternatives for oil use.

As alternatives for oil emerge, wood stands by as the most reliable of all of our natural resources. This stable fuel source will always be one of the alternatives for oil because it is a plentiful and replaceable resource.

The new technology of hybrid automobiles offer alternatives for oil in the form of fuel cells and forward motion automobiles that do not rely completely on oil but will save fuel in their coasting methods.

The alternatives for oil consumption include solar power that uses photo cells to store the power of the sun and operate small appliances and pumps. Other people use creative alternatives for oil in the form of wind powered devices and the power that is harnessed using ocean waves as a power source.