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Where are the biggest oil fields?

To answer the question, "Where are the biggest oil fields," would require the knowledge of the major fields that have been discovered and whose quantities of oil has been depleted long ago, and those major oil fields that have been identified as the biggest that are currently in operation.

To answer the question, "Where are the biggest oil fields," would also require the realization that with more than 40,000 oil fields, of various sizes, in the entire world, it would subject the question to some debate on which were considered the largest due to bragging rights of the people or companies that discovered them and have prospered because of the discovery. There are 1400 identified oil fields among those 40,000 fields located throughout the world that have been identified as some of the biggest.

To readily identify "Where are the biggest oil fields," would require the recognition of the largest discovered conventional oil field in the world. The convention oil field that is the largest in the world, to date, is the Ghawar Field, which produces 75 to 83 billion barrels of oil a day.

To readily discuss the question "Where are the biggest oil field," would require that location information be provided on the largest oil field in the world. Ghawar Field is located in Saudi Arabia, about 100 kilometers in a west south westerly direction from the city of Dhahran, which is in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The measurements of this massive oil production field is 280 km by 30 km. This massive oil field is owned and operated by the nationalized Saudi oil company, Saudi Aramco. The Saudi Arabian government does not discuss the production levels of this massive oil field, and the information on production has been obtained from historical information found in technical publications.

To simply answer the question, "Where are the biggest oil fields," in a factual fashion would also require the knowledge of names of the countries and the field names for identifying where the biggest oil fields in the world have been discovered.

To capably answer the question "Where are the biggest oil fields," in the Middle East countries, the countries of Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia are provided.

To succinctly answer the question "Where are the biggest oil fields," in the Neutral Zone, the countries of Yemen, Africa, Algeria, Angola, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria are provided.

To concisely answer the question "Where are the biggest oil fields," in the European sector of the globe, the countries of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Norway, Russia, Germany, and the United Kingdom are provided.

To briefly provide an answer to the question "Where are the biggest oil fields," in South America, the countries of Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela are provided.

To quickly answer the question, "Where are the biggest oil fields," in North America, the countries of Canada, Mexico and the United States are provided.

To finally answer the question, "Where are the biggest oil fields," in the Asia-Pacific parts of the world, the countries of Australia, China, India, Indonesia are provided.